How Many Diapers Does a Baby Use by Size

Pampers Size Chart, we know how important it is to get the perfect fit in a diaper. With our handy sizing chart, find out what size diaper is right for your baby based on their weight, and which of our diapers are available in that size. Select your baby weight and get information on: Your baby's diaper size, Average number of diapers you will need every day, Useful tips to get the right fit, Timing on when to size up.

Pampers Size Chart by weight get the right fit for your baby

Recommendations are online shopping and stock up on diapers for baby during the COVID-19 pandemic.

It always helps when you have a Pampers Size Chart. There are various packs and while it is your call how many counts you want to look for, referring to a Pampers would tell you which ones to choose without being disappointed when you head back home.

There are nine sizes of Pampers, and before you try and refer to a Pampers size chart by age of the baby, you should note that age is not the best judging factor in this case. Different babies of the same age having varying weights. So, your baby may not must the same size of Pampers as another one of the same age but different weight would.

Pampers size chart by weight are ordered by those considered ideal for a newborn (N), 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8. The classification of weight is best.

Pampers Sizes



Newborn <10 pounds (<4.5 kg) Newborn Infants
Size 1 8-14 pounds (4-6 kg) <3 months old
Size 2 12-18 pounds (5-8 kg) 2-6 months
Size 3 16-28 pounds (7-13 kg) 5 months – 2 years old
Size 4 22-37 pounds (10-17 kg) 1-3 years old
Size 5 27+ pounds (12+ kg) 2.5-4 years old
Size 6 35+ pounds (16+ kg) 3.5-6 years old
Size 7 41+ pounds (19+ kg) larger toddlers
Size 8 58-85 pounds (26-39 kg) up to 14 years old

Pampers size N use average 240 diapers per month are for babies weighing up to 10 lb. (up to 4.5 kg) smaller newborn infants. They may be too small for some infants.

Pampers Size 1 use average 195 diapers per month are for babies weighing 8-14 lb. (4-6 kg) larger newborns and infants up to 3 months old.

Pampers Size 2 use average 165 diapers per month are for babies weighing 12-18 lb. (5-8 kg) infants from about 2 months to 6 months.

Pampers Size 3 use average 150 diapers per month are for babies weighing 16-28 lb. (7-13 kg) the transition of infancy and toddler hood and for babies from about 5 months to 2 years.

Pampers Size 4 use average 135 diapers per month are for babies weighing 22-37 lb. (10-17 kg) toddlers to preschoolers from about 1 year to about 3 years of age.

Pampers Size 5 use average 120 diapers per month are for babies weighing 27+ lb. (12+ kg) toddlers to preschoolers from about 2 and a half years to 4 years old. They are ideal for preschoolers who still wet at night.

Pampers Size 6 use average 120 diapers per month are for babies weighting 35+ lb. (16+ kg) larger toddlers as well as preschoolers and elementary school kids, children 3 and a half to 6 years old and for children who toilet train later than usual, as well as those who may be trained during the day.

Pampers size 7 use average 60 diapers per month are for kids weighing 41+ lb. (19+kg) larger toddlers as well as preschoolers and elementary school kids provides most advantage for babies to move and play all day long.

Pampers Size 8 or Pampers Underjams use average 30 diapers per month are for boys ang girls weighing 58-85 lb. (26-39 kg) has been some older children are able to fit into this size from ages 14+. Pampers Underjams are used as the protective and absorbent bedwetting pants for girls and boys.

You will notice that the Pampers size chart by weight has ranges that overlap with the upper weight limits of the preceding size and the lower weight limits of the next size. This is because babies always have a slight variation in their body types, and a slight difference of a few pounds can demand a different size. As a mom you would want the most comfort for your little one and this Pampers size chart by weight helps you to pick the perfect size for your child. The average number of diapers you have to use every day also depends on the size.

Choosing the Correct Size Diaper for Your Baby is Important- Pampers Size Chart by Weight

Having a baby is exciting, it also comes with a lot of things a new parent has to consider. Things like whether to use cloth diapers or disposable diapers and if you go with the disposable which brand is best. Of course there are lots of other important things to considering and think about not only before that new little bundle of joy arrives but for the years to come afterwards.

Making sure to find the best of all things for baby is important, especially if you are a first time parent and new to the whole parenting scene. It may seem a bit overwhelming in the beginning but for those who are well prepared ahead of time and have done their research during the months leading up to the baby's birth and arrival, it is a lot less overwhelming, well at least until you realize you are now completely responsible for the life of this helpless little human.

Finding the best diapers is important but it is one part of the process when determining what to put on your new baby's little tosh. You want a diaper that is going to keep your baby dry for those times when you can't change the diaper right away.  Your new little one will sleep at least for two hours a night, and being a new parent means you will be wanting to sleep when baby does. So you want a diaper that will keep moisture away from baby's delicate skin.

Pampers Diapers have been around longer than any other disposable diaper and today they still remain the not only the number one diaper used by hospital nurseries, but the top choice for most parents. Pampers are not made with harsh chemicals or fragrances that can cause adverse reactions to baby's bottom and they are as soft as those cloth diapers that use to be a parent's only option.

Finding the right diaper that will protect your baby's bottom from moisture will help to prevent things like diaper rash, although this is something that comes with the territory of diaper wearing, trusting your baby's bottom to a diaper that is not only absorbent but soft can help. Of course the best course of action is to change your baby as soon as you notice he or she is wet or 'smelly'.

Even though disposable diapers hit the scene in the 40's only those who were wealthy could afford to buy them. By 1956, A Proctor and Gamble researcher who was not a fan of changing his grandchild's cloth diapers set out with a team of researchers to create a better disposable diaper and Pampers were born. Just a little diaper trivia for you.

Pampers diapers have a wetness indicator built into their diapers by the way, this awesome addition to the modern diaper takes the guess work, and the 'sticking-your-finger-into-the-side-of-the-diaper-and-ending-up-with-an wet or-sticky-unpleasant surprise' moments. So now that you know the importance of getting your little one's bottom a great diaper, finding the proper size for your baby's weight is the next step. Greatest invention ever as anyone from previous generations will tell you.

The key to providing the comfort and protection every parent wants for their little bundle of joy is just as dependent on not only the diaper brand, but choosing the correct size of diaper. The Pampers size chart is a nifty guide to help parents find the correct pamper sizes and fits for their babies. The Pampers size guide breaks it down by the weight of the baby, which is great because not all babies weight the same at birth or throughout the growth over the months.

They even have their Pampers Swaddlers for premature babies. On average most newborns weigh from five to eight pounds so even the newborn size can be too big. So for those who have been blessed with a full term 'average' weight baby, this Pampers Size Chart can help you determine which size is best for your baby's needs. It's good to keep handy also because well, baby's do seem to grow quickly and it can help decide when it may be time to move up to the next size. And for those parents who like to be prepared well ahead of time, it can also help decide on maybe stocking up on the next size up depending on how much your little starts out at.

Pampers Size Chart by age and average diapers per day.

Pampers Size Chart by Age

Babies (Newborn – 2 Years)

Pampers Size N (newborn) or Size 1 (they are listed in both terms by the way) are perfect for baby's who weight from 8 – 14 pounds. (4-6 kg) Generally the best size for the first 3 months.

Pampers Size 2 are for those babies who weight from 12-18 pounds or 5-8 Kilograms. Typically around the 3 month old mark.

Pampers Size 3 is for baby's who weight 14 – 33 pounds or 6 – 15 Kilograms.

Pampers Size 4 is for babies who weight from 22 – 37 pounds or 10-17 Kilograms. Generally speaking babies that weight 22 pounds or more are about a year old.

Toddlers (Ages 12 – 24 months)

Pampers Size 5 for toddlers who weight 27+ pounds+ or 12+ Kilograms. Generally little ones who are 1 – 2 years in age.

Preschoolers (Ages 2 – 4 Years)

Pampers Size 6 for the little preschoolers who weigh 35+ pounds or 16+ Kilograms

Kids (Ages 5-8 Years) and referred to as "Pull-ups"

The following sizes are for children who need that added extra protection night time. Having accidents during sleep hours is common for most children at this age by the way.

Pampers Size 7 for the "Big Kids" that weight 41 pounds or more; or 19+ Kilograms or more.

Pampers UnderJams are for the boys and girls who weight 58-85 pounds or 26-39 Kilograms.

How Many Diapers Does a Baby Use by Size


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