Once Again, Gay Iceman Predicted by Family Guy

Apr 29, 2008
  • #2
At to the lowest degree I know how to touch a man!!!!!!!!!!!11
  • #3
The comics side of Marvel is run by stooges ATM. They're going crazy like they expect Disney will fire them any twenty-four hour period now and motion their headquarters to California.

Hopefully they retcon this. Bobby Drake isn't gay... it was the Skrull masquerading as him. Maybe it'south a shapeshifter.

Jan 30, 2014
  • #iv
The comics side of Marvel is run past stooges ATM. They're going crazy like they expect Disney will fire them any twenty-four hour period now and move their headquarters to California.

Hopefully they retcon this. Bobby Drake isn't gay... it was the Skrull masquerading every bit him. Perchance information technology's a shapeshifter.

Bobby Drake is a fictional character, he tin be whatever people believe imagine him to be. Terminate existence stoooooooooopid
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  • #5

It was evident.

Dec 17, 2001
  • #six
The comics side of Marvel is run by stooges ATM. They're going crazy like they expect Disney volition fire them whatsoever 24-hour interval now and movement their headquarters to California.

Hopefully they retcon this. Bobby Drake isn't gay... information technology was the Skrull masquerading as him. Maybe it's a shapeshifter.

Information technology is a gay Life Model Decoy!
Jan 30, 2014
Sep 29, 2011
  • #8
I bet people with iceman tattoos are pissed.
Sep nine, 2014
  • #9
Family unit Guy has predicted many things many times. Even 9/11.
This is from 2000.
  • #x
It's funny when I saw the announcement I thought Iceman for some reason
  • #11
Family unit Guy has predicted many things many times. Even 9/11.
This is from 2000.
Was that scene banned later 9/11?
  • #12
The comics side of Marvel is run by stooges ATM. They're going crazy similar they expect Disney will burn them any day now and move their headquarters to California.

Hopefully they retcon this. Bobby Drake isn't gay... it was the Skrull masquerading as him. Maybe it'due south a shapeshifter.

Bobby Drake is a fictional character, he can be whatever people believe imagine him to be. Stop beingness stoooooooooopid
You're stupid. Being fictional, they tin hands write away the homosexuality. Oh look, Iceman wasn't gay... simply the person pretending to be him.
Jul 6, 2008
  • #13
Nosotros don't know if regular Iceman is actually gay, this is simply younger time travelling Iceman who'south gay.

With how Bendis has been giving no fucks with how time travel is "supposed" to work in Marvel who really knows for now.

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Sep 9, 2014
  • #xiv
Family Guy has predicted many things many times. Fifty-fifty ix/11.
This is from 2000.
Was that scene banned later on nine/11?
Yeah, just like everything else that was removed from cartoons that had something to exercise with explosions and planes.
Jan thirty, 2014
  • #15
The comics side of Marvel is run past stooges ATM. They're going crazy like they look Disney will burn down them any day now and movement their headquarters to California.

Hopefully they retcon this. Bobby Drake isn't gay... information technology was the Skrull masquerading as him. Maybe it'southward a shapeshifter.

Bobby Drake is a fictional character, he tin be whatever people believe imagine him to be. End being stoooooooooopid
You lot're stupid. Being fictional, they can easily write away the homosexuality. Oh await, Iceman wasn't gay... but the person pretending to be him.
Of class they can but they wanted to re-imagine iceman as gay, where is the beef sir?
December 17, 2001
  • #xvi
We don't know if regular Iceman is actually gay, this is just younger fourth dimension travelling Iceman who's gay.

With how Bendis has been giving no fucks with how time travel is "supposed" to work in Marvel who really knows for at present.

Didn't they bring back Xavier through some fourth dimension traveling asspull?
Jul six, 2008
  • #17
We don't know if regular Iceman is actually gay, this is just younger time travelling Iceman who's gay.

With how Bendis has been giving no fucks with how time travel is "supposed" to work in Marvel who really knows for now.

Didn't they bring dorsum Xavier through some fourth dimension traveling asspull?
yes then he went dorsum to his ain time and erased his own retentiveness to forget well-nigh it
  • #18
Bobby Drake is a fictional grapheme, he can be whatsoever people believe imagine him to exist. Stop existence stoooooooooopid
You're stupid. Beingness fictional, they tin easily write away the homosexuality. Oh await, Iceman wasn't gay... just the person pretending to be him.
Of grade they can but they wanted to re-imagine iceman equally gay, where is the beefiness sir?
He didn't kickoff off as gay. He'south been straight since forever and now he'southward gay? Bleh.
Jan thirty, 2014
  • #xix
You're stupid. Being fictional, they can easily write away the homosexuality. Oh expect, Iceman wasn't gay... only the person pretending to be him.
Of course they can simply they wanted to re-imagine iceman as gay, where is the beef sir?
He didn't starting time off as gay. He's been straight since forever and at present he's gay? Bleh.
hence the term 'reimagined'
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  • #twenty
Of course they can but they wanted to re-imagine iceman as gay, where is the beef sir?
He didn't start off every bit gay. He's been straight since forever and now he's gay? Bleh.
hence the term 'reimagined'
They can "reimagine" back the way he was created. Possibly it'south some jilted alien that wants everyone to remember he's gay. Retcon this now!!!
January 30, 2014
  • #21
He didn't start off as gay. He'south been straight since forever and now he's gay? Bleh.
hence the term 'reimagined'
They can "reimagine" back the fashion he was created. Mayhap it's some jilted alien that wants everyone to think he's gay. Retcon this now!!!
Why? It'southward their vision and it makes an of import social commentary, I say leave it the fashion it is!
  • #23
hence the term 'reimagined'
They can "reimagine" back the way he was created. Mayhap it'south some jilted alien that wants everyone to call up he'southward gay. Retcon this now!!!
Why? It's their vision and it makes an important social commentary, I say leave it the way it is!
ugh...fuck that. lol.. at "important." Why are all you SJWs and so fucking delusional?
Jan thirty, 2014
  • #24
They can "reimagine" back the way he was created. Possibly it's some jilted alien that wants everyone to recollect he's gay. Retcon this now!!!
Why? It'southward their vision and it makes an important social commentary, I say go out it the fashion information technology is!
ugh...fuck that. lol.. at "important." Why are all y'all SJWs and then fucking delusional?
Homosexuals exists bro, go used to it.
  • #25
Why? Information technology's their vision and it makes an important social commentary, I say leave it the way it is!
ugh...fuck that. lol.. at "important." Why are all you lot SJWs so fucking delusional?
Homosexuals exists bro, get used to it.
Become used to it? I don't care if they fucking be. I don't care if they all disappeared tomorrow. I wouldn't gloat, I wouldn't cry.

Y'all're fucking delusional. Can't something just be the way its is without being homosexualized? Is information technology gonna get to a indicate where I can't fucking take a shit or eat breakfast without some SJW agenda existence rubbed in my face? Information technology's like gays showed upwards yesterday and you are trying to get people to get used to it. Accounts of gays go back centuries.

It's similar biting into a sandwich and breaking your molar on a stone. "What the fuck is this?"

Concluding edited:
January 30, 2014
  • #27
ugh...fuck that. lol.. at "important." Why are all you SJWs so fucking delusional?
Homosexuals exists bro, get used to it.
Get used to it? I don't care if they fucking be. I don't care if they all disappeared tomorrow. I wouldn't gloat, I wouldn't cry.

You lot're fucking delusional. Can't something just be the manner its is without being homosexualized? Is information technology gonna get to a bespeak where I can fucking take a shit or eat breakfast without some SJW calendar beingness rubbed in my face? It's like gays showed upward yesterday and you lot are trying to get people to get used to it. Accounts of gays become back centuries.

It's like biting into a sandwich and breaking your tooth on a stone. "What the fuck is this?"

How tin something" be the way it is" if information technology never fucking existed! You are the ane who is delusional because yous are treating a fictional character as if it actually existed. The social bulletin is what is important hither non the 'inauthenticity' of a fictional character, which is a contradiction in terms btw.

The reason why Iceman is existence reimagined every bit a homosexual instead of a heterosexual is precisely because homosexuality has been marginalized past our gild. The reason why you lot are rebelling confronting this is because you lot are not used to seeing homosexuals as 'normal' or fifty-fifty 'heroic' cultural figures, for you they are either cartoonish stereotypes or they do non exist. Hate to suspension it to you but homosexuals exist in every aspect of our society, even the ones that you consider 'masculine'.

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  • #28
Information technology'southward similar playing Mass Effect 3 afterwards playing Mass Event one and two, then witnessing Male Shepard saying something ambiguously gay and then having the shuttle pilot describe his dead gay husband.

I'm like... huh? WTF?

I'g not gonna play Bioware games after ME3 after what they did.

Seriously, they had to stealthily shove the gay agenda in my face? No thanks. Fuck you lot, Bioware. I'm never buying your shit, once again.

Aug two, 2004
  • #29

haha man yes, i guess it wasn't this scene was it?
  • #30
Homosexuals exists bro, get used to it.
Become used to it? I don't intendance if they fucking exist. I don't care if they all disappeared tomorrow. I wouldn't celebrate, I wouldn't cry.

You're fucking delusional. Can't something just be the mode its is without being homosexualized? Is it gonna get to a betoken where I can fucking take a shit or eat breakfast without some SJW agenda being rubbed in my face? Information technology's like gays showed upwards yesterday and you are trying to become people to get used to it. Accounts of gays go dorsum centuries.

It's like bitter into a sandwich and breaking your tooth on a stone. "What the fuck is this?"

How can something" be the fashion it is" if information technology never fucking existed! You lot are the one who is delusional because you lot are treating a fictional character as it actually existed. The social message is what is important here not the 'inauthenticity' of a fictional character which is a contradiction in terms.

The reason why Iceman is being reimagined as a homosexual instead of a heterosexual, is precisely because homosexuality has been marginalized by our lodge. The reason why yous are rebelling against this is considering you lot are not used to seeing homosexuals equally 'normal' or even 'heroic' cultural figures, for you they are either cartoonish stereotypes or they do not be. Hate to intermission it to you but homosexuals represents every attribute of our society, fifty-fifty the ones that you consider 'masculine'.

If I created a character and I liked my piece of work, I would be pissed if someone radically changed an aspect of my character If I painted the modern Mona Lisa and some fucker added Howdy Kitty to it, I'd be pissed off as hell. I'd flip my shit.

They aren't saving the world by irresolute a character. They're poisoning the well.

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January 30, 2014
  • #31
Become used to it? I don't care if they fucking exist. I don't care if they all disappeared tomorrow. I wouldn't celebrate, I wouldn't cry.

You're fucking delusional. Can't something just be the way its is without being homosexualized? Is information technology gonna go to a bespeak where I can fucking take a shit or eat breakfast without some SJW calendar beingness rubbed in my face? It's like gays showed up yesterday and you are trying to get people to get used to it. Accounts of gays go back centuries.

It'southward similar biting into a sandwich and breaking your molar on a stone. "What the fuck is this?"

How tin something" be the style it is" if it never fucking existed! You are the ane who is delusional considering you are treating a fictional graphic symbol as it actually existed. The social bulletin is what is important here not the 'inauthenticity' of a fictional grapheme which is a contradiction in terms.

The reason why Iceman is being reimagined as a homosexual instead of a heterosexual, is precisely considering homosexuality has been marginalized by our guild. The reason why you are rebelling confronting this is because you are not used to seeing homosexuals equally 'normal' or even 'heroic' cultural figures, for you they are either cartoonish stereotypes or they do non be. Hate to break information technology to you just homosexuals represents every aspect of our society, fifty-fifty the ones that you consider 'masculine'.

If I created a character and I liked my work, I would be pissed if someone radically changed an attribute of my character If I painted the modern Mona Lisa and some fucker added Hello Kitty to it, I'd be pissed off as hell. I'd flip my shit.
Welcome to the globe of art, that shit happens all the time and a lot of artists enjoy the creative freedom that their characters are given. If you retrieve that changing someone'southward sexuality is a 'radical' change in a characters, well then that but shows that you ascertain a person's essential features past something capricious as sexuality or pare color. I can merely imagine if you had a son or daughter who turned out to be gay, yous would probably think of them as completely different people. Please never breed
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Jan xxx, 2014
  • #32
Become used to it? I don't care if they fucking exist. I don't care if they all disappeared tomorrow. I wouldn't celebrate, I wouldn't cry.

You're fucking delusional. Can't something just exist the way its is without being homosexualized? Is it gonna get to a signal where I can fucking take a shit or eat breakfast without some SJW agenda being rubbed in my face up? Information technology's similar gays showed upwardly yesterday and you are trying to become people to get used to it. Accounts of gays go dorsum centuries.

It's like biting into a sandwich and breaking your tooth on a stone. "What the fuck is this?"

How can something" be the way information technology is" if it never fucking existed! You are the one who is delusional considering y'all are treating a fictional character as information technology actually existed. The social message is what is of import here not the 'inauthenticity' of a fictional graphic symbol which is a contradiction in terms.

The reason why Iceman is being reimagined as a homosexual instead of a heterosexual, is precisely because homosexuality has been marginalized by our society. The reason why you are rebelling against this is because y'all are not used to seeing homosexuals as 'normal' or even 'heroic' cultural figures, for yous they are either cartoonish stereotypes or they exercise not exist. Hate to break it to y'all but homosexuals represents every aspect of our society, even the ones that y'all consider 'masculine'.

They aren't saving the world by changing a character. They're poisoning the well.

:^O you are fucking batshit crazy if you believe that nonsense.
  • #33
How can something" be the manner it is" if it never fucking existed! You are the one who is delusional because you are treating a fictional character as information technology actually existed. The social bulletin is what is important here not the 'inauthenticity' of a fictional character which is a contradiction in terms.

The reason why Iceman is being reimagined as a homosexual instead of a heterosexual, is precisely because homosexuality has been marginalized past our society. The reason why you are rebelling against this is because you are not used to seeing homosexuals as 'normal' or even 'heroic' cultural figures, for you they are either cartoonish stereotypes or they do not be. Hate to pause it to you but homosexuals represents every aspect of our society, fifty-fifty the ones that you consider 'masculine'.

If I created a grapheme and I liked my work, I would be pissed if someone radically changed an aspect of my graphic symbol If I painted the modern Mona Lisa and some fucker added How-do-you-do Kitty to information technology, I'd be pissed off equally hell. I'd flip my shit.
Welcome to the earth of art, that shit happens all the time and a lot of artists enjoy the creative freedom that their characters are given. If you think that changing someone's sexuality, is a 'radical' modify in a characters aspect, well then that merely shows that you define a person'due south essential features by something arbitrary as sexuality or skin color.
Ugh. Yous're fucking delusional. I think I'k gonna throw up my lunch. How can you people fifty-fifty exist?

Sexuality and pare colour usually influence someones character... their experiences as those things. Things like sexuality and race would be important for grapheme. These are things that can but exist erased easily.

  • #34
With a name like Bobby Drake, I tin can't say I'm surprised.
Jan xxx, 2014
  • #35
If I created a graphic symbol and I liked my piece of work, I would be pissed if someone radically changed an aspect of my character If I painted the mod Mona Lisa and some fucker added Hello Kitty to it, I'd be pissed off every bit hell. I'd flip my shit.
Welcome to the earth of art, that shit happens all the fourth dimension and a lot of artists relish the creative freedom that their characters are given. If you recall that irresolute someone's sexuality, is a 'radical' change in a characters attribute, well then that just shows that you ascertain a person'southward essential features by something arbitrary as sexuality or skin color.
Ugh. You're fucking delusional. I think I'chiliad gonna throw up my luncheon. How tin can you people even exist?

Sexuality and peel color usually influence someones graphic symbol... their experiences as those things. Things like sexuality and race would be of import for character. These are things that can merely be erased hands.

Delight tell me how homosexuality will radically alter Iceman! Will his superpowers change? Volition his origin story change? Will annihilation likewise his sexuality alter? The respond is no, the rest of his character tin completely remain intact.
Final edited:
  • #36
How can something" be the way information technology is" if information technology never fucking existed! You are the one who is delusional because you are treating a fictional character as it actually existed. The social message is what is important hither not the 'inauthenticity' of a fictional character which is a contradiction in terms.

The reason why Iceman is being reimagined equally a homosexual instead of a heterosexual, is precisely because homosexuality has been marginalized past our society. The reason why you are rebelling confronting this is considering you are non used to seeing homosexuals equally 'normal' or even 'heroic' cultural figures, for you they are either cartoonish stereotypes or they practise non exist. Hate to pause it to y'all but homosexuals represents every aspect of our society, even the ones that you consider 'masculine'.

They aren't saving the globe by irresolute a character. They're poisoning the well.

:^O you are fucking batshit crazy if you believe that nonsense.
It's similar someone likes visiting a well, drinking water from that well. Simply and so a newcomer comes past and thinks the well is a perfect place to have a shit.

The people who used to drinkable from the well are horrified. "Who the fuck took a shit in the well? The water was so good. Nosotros all loved it."

And so the newcomer says, "Oh you fuckers never seen shit before? The shit is diluted. I'm clean. The shit won't go you sick. Just boil the h2o, it'due south still expert. Drinkable my shit."

Everyone looks at the newcomer with disgust and abandons the well. The newcomer is so deluded, he doesn't realize the implications of taking a shit in a well and is offended, insulted people objected to his misuse of the well.

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  • #38
Ugh. Yous're fucking delusional. I think I'grand gonna throw up my tiffin. How can you people even exist?

Sexuality and peel colour usually influence someones character... their experiences as those things. Things like sexuality and race would be important for character. These are things that can just exist erased easily.

Bit of a drama queen eh?

You should know after the dozens of arguments with [URL='http://www.ign.com/boards/members/the_idiot.4896067/']@the_idiot[/URL] that he isn't some clueless person. Hes well spoken, well read and isn't taking positions simply considering they appeal to him in some sense.

  • #39
Ugh. You're fucking delusional. I think I'm gonna throw upwards my dejeuner. How can y'all people even exist?

Sexuality and peel color usually influence someones character... their experiences every bit those things. Things like sexuality and race would be important for character. These are things that can just be erased hands.

Chip of a drama queen eh?

You should know afterwards the dozens of arguments with [URL='http://www.ign.com/boards/members/the_idiot.4896067/'][URL='http://world wide web.ign.com/boards/members/the_idiot.4896067/']@the_idiot[/URL][/URL] that he isn't some clueless person. Hes well spoken, well read and isn't taking positions simply because they appeal to him in some sense.

your alt? lol
Jan 30, 2014
  • #twoscore
Ugh. You're fucking delusional. I recollect I'm gonna throw up my lunch. How can you people even be?

Sexuality and peel color usually influence someones graphic symbol... their experiences as those things. Things like sexuality and race would exist important for character. These are things that can just be erased easily.

Bit of a drama queen eh?

You should know after the dozens of arguments with [URL='http://www.ign.com/boards/members/the_idiot.4896067/'][URL='http://www.ign.com/boards/members/the_idiot.4896067/']@the_idiot[/URL][/URL] that he isn't some clueless person. Hes well spoken, well read and isn't taking positions simply because they entreatment to him in some sense.

your alt? lol
Unlike y'all Tavor, Triple does non hibernate backside alts
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  • #41
Welcome to the world of art, that shit happens all the time and a lot of artists enjoy the creative freedom that their characters are given. If you lot call back that changing someone's sexuality, is a 'radical' change in a characters aspect, well then that just shows that you lot define a person'due south essential features past something capricious equally sexuality or peel color.
Ugh. You lot're fucking delusional. I call back I'm gonna throw up my tiffin. How can yous people even exist?

Sexuality and pare colour normally influence someones graphic symbol... their experiences as those things. Things like sexuality and race would be important for grapheme. These are things that can just exist erased easily.

Please tell me how homosexuality will radically alter Iceman! Will his superpowers change? Will his origin story change? Will annihilation besides his sexuality change? The answer is no, the balance of his character tin can completely remain intact.
When the writers give him a gay-centric storyline, will his character remain the aforementioned? No! Pretend information technology isn't gonna modify?

It's kind of like switching from regular Coke to Diet Coke. They may both be labeled Coke merely the Nutrition Coke is very dissimilar.

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Jan 30, 2014
  • #42
Ugh. Yous're fucking delusional. I think I'1000 gonna throw up my dejeuner. How can you people even be?

Sexuality and skin color usually influence someones character... their experiences as those things. Things like sexuality and race would be important for character. These are things that can just be erased easily.

Please tell me how homosexuality will radically alter Iceman! Will his superpowers change? Will his origin story change? Will annihilation besides his sexuality alter? The answer is no, the rest of his character can completely remain intact.
When the writers gay him a gay-centric storyline will his character remain the same? No! Pretend information technology isn't... that not the case.

It's kind of like switching from regular Coke to Diet Coke. They may both exist labeled Coke simply the Diet Coke is very dissimilar.

Of course his grapheme will remain the same, at least in a non-trivial mode(same powers, same wait, same personality, same association with the X-men, pretty everything in his storyline and background can be kept entirely the same). If annihilation is going to change it is going to be in some trivial way like he makes out with a dude or frequents a gay nightclub.
Concluding edited:
Jul 6, 2008
  • #43
human who the fuck even cares about Iceman and his stories, instead of some dumb curt romance with Kitty or whoever it'll exist with some guy

what really matters is that his whiny donkey keeps taking Ls from Cyclops.

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  • #44
I don't demand an alt really. For some users I have a bad rep just it doesn't really matter. I would take the same reputation if I posted on an alt so it wouldn't assistance. I assume you feel the aforementioned since you gave up TAVOR last year.

It would really benefit me to not have an alt. Imagine if I am the aforementioned person as [URL='http://www.ign.com/boards/members/the_idiot.4896067/']@the_idiot[/URL]. He posts in a lot of thread types which I do not such as ones which comprehend a lot of politics or history. If I am the_idiot then it would make sense not to have an alt since I would seem a lot more knowledgeable in more than subjects than I appear on this account.

January thirty, 2014
  • #45
human being who the fuck even cares about Iceman and his stories, instead of some dumb curt romance with Kitty ir whoever it'll exist with some guy

what actually matters is that his whiny donkey keeps taking Ls from Cyclops.

Exactly, cipher is going change with the grapheme's identity within the context of his storyline
  • #46
TAVOR remains crazy and angry at minorities for existing, more at 11.
January 30, 2014
  • #47
TAVOR remains crazy and angry at minorities for existing, more at 11.
pretty much
  • #48
Delight tell me how homosexuality will radically modify Iceman! Will his superpowers modify? Will his origin story change? Will anything besides his sexuality change? The reply is no, the balance of his grapheme can completely remain intact.
When the writers gay him a gay-axial storyline will his character remain the same? No! Pretend it isn't... that not the example.

It'south kind of like switching from regular Coke to Diet Coke. They may both exist labeled Coke but the Diet Coke is very unlike.

Of course his grapheme will remain the same, at to the lowest degree in a non-piddling manner(same powers, same wait, aforementioned personality, same association with the X-men, pretty everything in his storyline and background can be kept entirely the same). If anything is going to change, information technology is going to be in some trivial way like he makes out with a dude.

Then I can tell people yous're gay? the_idiot's online persona doesn't matter. He's gay. He likes dudes.

Information technology doesn't matter if people perceive the "mental thought" of yous as gay or direct? It's the same for a fictional character. A fictonal graphic symbol exists as a mental picture, like a person you've never met.

Most people here take never met you lot. Would you mind if I told everyone you're gay?

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  • #49
Is it the present Iceman, or the past Iceman? Because you can simply arraign information technology on time travel that whatever they did fucked upwardly his sexuality. Information technology's been a while since I read all new X-Men simply I'k pretty certain Iceman was burdensome on jean Grayness
  • #50
When the writers gay him a gay-centric storyline will his character remain the same? No! Pretend it isn't... that not the case.

It's kind of like switching from regular Coke to Nutrition Coke. They may both exist labeled Coke only the Diet Coke is very different.

Of course his character will remain the same, at least in a non-petty way(same powers, same await, same personality, aforementioned association with the X-men, pretty everything in his storyline and groundwork can exist kept entirely the same). If anything is going to change, it is going to be in some trivial way like he makes out with a dude.

Then I can tell people you're gay? the_idiot's online persona doesn't matter. He's gay. He likes dudes.

It doesn't matter if people perceive the "mental idea" of yous as gay or straight? It'south the same for a fictional character. A fictonal graphic symbol exists as a mental picture show, like a person you lot've never met.

Nigh people here have never met you. Would you lot mind if I told everyone you're gay?

One of those is fictional and one of those is a real person, regardless of whether or not you've met them. Your disability to distinguish between them is both very telling and very frightening.
Concluding edited:


Source: https://www.ignboards.com/threads/family-guy-called-iceman-being-gay-years-ago.454456297/

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